
protesis transtibial



1) Endoprosthesis: These are those that require surgical procedures for placement, these have an endoskeletal design.
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2) Congenital malformation: Congenital malformations are anatomical

alterations that occur in the intrauterine stage and may be alterations of organs,

limbs or systems due to environmental factors, genetic deficiencies, deficiencies in nutrient uptake,

or consumption of harmful substances.
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3) Falangeta: Third phalanx, the most distal and smallest of the fingers of the hand or foot.

It is also called ungueal.
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4) Cuneiform:A set of the five long bones of the foot (called metatarsals) that are located between the Tarsus and the phalanges.
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5) The astragalus: is the bone in the back of the foot that connects the leg and foot.
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6) limestone: bone that forms the heel of the foot.
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7) Pseudoartrosis: is a bone fracture that has no chance of healing without intervention. In a pseudoartrosis the organism perceives bone fragments as separate bones and does not attempt to fuse them.
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8) Amputation: Removal of part or all of a body part that is enclosed by skin. Amputation can occur at an accident site, the scene of an animal attack, or a battlefield. Amputation is also performed as a surgical procedure. When performing an amputation, surgeons generally cut above the diseased or injured area so that a portion of healthy tissue remains to cushion bone. Sometimes the location of a cut may depend in part on its suitability to be fitted with an artificial limb, or prosthesis.
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9) Prosthetic: Referring to a prosthesis, an artificial substitute or replacement of a part of the body such as a tooth, eye, a facial bone, the palate, a hip, a knee or another joint, the leg, an arm, etc. A prosthesis is designed for functional or cosmetic reasons or both. Typical prostheses for joints are the hip, knee, elbow, ankle, and finger joints. Prosthetic implants can be parts of the joint such as a unilateral knee.
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10) Exoprosthesis: An exoprosthesis refers to a prosthesis which can be put on and taken off the body.
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11) Stump: the distal end of a limb left after amputation; called also residual limb.
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12) Titanium: is a chemical element with symbol Ti and atomic number 22. It is a lustrous transition metal with a silver color, low density, and high strength. Titanium is resistant to corrosion in sea water, aqua regia, and chlorine.
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13) Ligaments: The Ligaments are bands of elastic tissue that, in most cases, join the bones in the joints. They are key anatomical elements in the movement of the joints controlling the amplitude of the movement and stabilizing them by making the bones move with the proper alignment. Some structures of the peritoneum, the membrane that surrounds the abdominal cavity, are also called ligaments although their function is quite different.
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14) ball joint: It is rounded, this bone that is also known as patella is located in front of the lower end of the femur and is part of the femoral quadriceps since it is linked to its terminal tendon.
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15) Tendons: Tendons are fibrous, strong, white and pearly tissues that end the muscles and serve to insert them into the skeleton.

The tendon fibers are made of collagen, which allows them to be very resistant. These fibers are inserted very intimately into the bone, at the junction of the muscle to the bone.
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16) surgical incision: Methodical division or cutting of the soft parts with a cutting instrument or scalpel. Surgical wound resulting from the incision. In surgical practice it is the first time of the operation and, sometimes, the only one, such as the debridement of an abscess.

Most of the surgical interventions are done with pre-established incisions; When this is not the case, it is convenient to follow the skin lines of Langer, so that the scar is as less apparent as possible.
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17) Unicondylar prosthesis: they allow to replace only the part of the knee that is damaged.
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18) Total surface prosthesis: used to replace a polyethylene disc with all the cartilage that covers the surface of the femur. This disc is supported on a metal plate that is fixed to the head of the tibia.
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19) Total rotational prosthesis: it replaces the entire joint and is the most appropriate when, in addition to the existence of osteoarthritis, the ligaments that hold the knee are not in good condition to perform correctly. The prosthesis is fixed to the femur and the tibia by means of rods that are inserted in each of the bones.
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20) flexible bottom lace: Once the engine is ready, it is time to make the lace. This is the part of the prosthesis where the residual limb is placed. Due to the need to obtain an intimate fit for this part of the prosthesis, many aspects must be taken into account and many decisions must be made.

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21) force sensor: Force sensors, or load cells, are devices that allow us to obtain an electrical signal proportional to the force applied to them. These transducers are presented in multiple formats, since the mechanical requirements of the systems in which they are integrated are also very varied.

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22) suspension: In order to appreciate the advantages of suspension systems, we will have to review how each one works.

When we imagine a suspension system by silicone liner, we see two different types of fastening The Lanzadera and the vacuum.

As for the first, it consists of a guide that is inserted inside a bolt where it locks and prevents the liner from leaving the rigid socket. This makes the stump have a safe suspension.

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23) covers: The choice of cosmetic finish will vary depending on the person and / or type of prosthesis used. However, as a general rule, durable and resistant covers should be chosen for the most active population. It is likely that the high cosmetic and fragile covers will deteriorate. In many cases, cosmetic sleeves that resemble a healthy limb are avoided. Children and adolescents usually use a mechanical-looking prosthesis without a sheath or a prosthesis with some design.

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24) Socket: The orthopedic socket, also known as lace, is the component of the orthopedic prosthesis where its users slide and adjust their residual limb, so that it is connected safely and comfortably to the rest of the orthopedic prosthesis. The socket is a component completely made about measurements.

In Prosthetics we know that the socket is the most important component of an orthopedic prosthesis, its correct adjustment will depend on how the user "feels" his prosthesis.

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25) Logical Consistency: The theory must be logically consistent, that is, the propositions that integrate it must be interrelated, that is, they cannot contain propositions about phenomena that are not related to each other, be mutually exclusive, that is, without repetition or duplication, or fall into internal contradictions or inconsistencies.

1)Endoprótesis: Estos son los que requieren procedimientos quirúrgicos para la colocación, estos tienen un diseño endoesquelético.
2) Malformación congénita: Las malformaciones congénitas son alteraciones anatómicas que ocurren en la etapa intrauterina y pueden ser alteraciones de órganos, extremidades o sistemas debido a factores ambientales, deficiencias genéticas, deficiencias en la absorción de nutrientes o en el consumo de sustancias nocivas.
3) Falangeta: Tercera falange, la más distal y la más pequeña de los dedos de la mano o del pie. También se llama ungueal.
4) cuneiforme:Un conjunto de los cinco huesos largos del pie (llamados metatarsos) que se encuentran entre el Tarso y las falanges.
5) El Astragalus: es el hueso en la parte posterior del pie que conecta la pierna y el pie.
6) Piedra caliza: hueso que forma el talón del pie.
7) Pseudoartrosis: es una fractura de hueso que no tiene posibilidades de cicatrización sin intervención. En una pseudoartrosis el organismo percibe los fragmentos óseos como huesos separados y no intenta fundirlos.
8) Amputación: Extracción de parte o la totalidad de una parte del cuerpo que está encerrada por la piel. La amputación puede ocurrir en un lugar de accidente, la escena de un ataque animal, o un campo de batalla. La amputación también se realiza como un procedimiento quirúrgico. Al realizar una amputación, los cirujanos generalmente cortan por encima del área enferma o lesionada de modo que una porción de tejido sano permanece para amortiguar el hueso. A veces la ubicación de un corte puede depender en parte de su idoneidad para ser equipado con una extremidad artificial, o prótesis.
9) Prótesis: Refiriéndose a una prótesis, un sustituto artificial o reemplazo de una parte del cuerpo como un diente, ojo, un hueso facial, el paladar, una cadera, una rodilla u otra articulación, la pierna, el brazo, etc. Una prótesis está diseñada por razones funcionales o cosméticas o ambas. Las prótesis típicas de las articulaciones son la cadera, la rodilla, el codo, el tobillo y las articulaciones de los dedos. Los implantes protésicos pueden ser partes de la articulación, como una rodilla unilateral.
10) Exopróstesis: Una exoprótesis se refiere a una prótesis que se puede poner y quitar del cuerpo.
11) Tronco: extremo distal de una extremidad dejada después de la amputación; también llamado extremidad residual.
12) Titanio: es un elemento químico con símbolo Ti y número atómico 22. Es un metal de transición brillante con un color plateado, baja densidad y alta resistencia. El titanio es resistente a la corrosión en agua de mar, aqua regia y cloro.
13) ligamentos: Los ligamentos son bandas de tejido elástico que, en la mayoría de los casos, unen los huesos en las articulaciones. Son elementos anatómicos clave en el movimiento de las articulaciones que controlan la amplitud del movimiento y los estabilizan haciendo que los huesos se muevan con la alineación adecuada. Algunas estructuras del peritoneo, la membrana que rodea la cavidad abdominal, también se llaman ligamentos aunque su función es bastante diferente.
14) articulación de la bola: Es redondeada, este hueso que también se conoce como rótula se encuentra frente al extremo inferior del fémur y es parte del cuádriceps femoral ya que está vinculado a su tendón terminal.
15) tendones: los tendones son tejidos fibrosos, fuertes, blancos y nacarados que acaban con los músculos y sirven para insertarlos en el esqueleto. Las fibras del tendón están hechas de colágeno, lo que les permite ser muy resistentes. Estas fibras se insertan muy íntimamente en el hueso, en la unión del músculo al hueso.
16) Incisión quirúrgica: división metódica o corte de las partes blandas con un instrumento de corte o bisturí. Herida quirúrgica resultante de la incisión. En la práctica quirúrgica es la primera vez de la operación y, a veces, la única, como el desbridamiento de un absceso. La mayoría de las intervenciones quirúrgicas se realizan con incisiones pre-establecidas; Cuando este no es el caso, es conveniente seguir las líneas de piel de Langer, de modo que la cicatriz sea lo menos aparente posible.
17) prótesis unicondilar: permiten sustituir sólo la parte de la rodilla dañada.

18) Prótesis superficial total: se utiliza para reemplazar un disco de polietileno con todo el cartílago que cubre la superficie del fémur. Este disco se apoya en una placa de metal que se fija a la cabeza de la tibia.

19) Prótesis rotacional total: reemplaza toda la articulación y es la más adecuada cuando, además de la existencia de osteoartritis, los ligamentos que sostienen la rodilla no están en buenas condiciones para funcionar correctamente. La prótesis se fija al fémur y a la tibia mediante varillas insertadas en cada uno de los huesos.

20) encaje inferior flexible: Una vez que el motor está listo, es el momento de hacer el encaje. Esta es la parte de la prótesis donde se coloca el miembro residual. Debido a la necesidad de obtener un ajuste íntimo para esta parte de la prótesis, muchos aspectos deben ser tenidos en cuenta y muchas decisiones deben ser tomadas.

21) sensor de fuerza: Los sensores de fuerza, o células de carga, son dispositivos que nos permiten obtener una señal eléctrica proporcional a la fuerza aplicada a ellos. Estos transductores se presentan en múltiples formatos, ya que los requisitos mecánicos de los sistemas en los que están integrados también son muy variados.

22) suspensión: Para apreciar las ventajas de los sistemas de suspensión, tendremos que revisar cómo funciona cada uno. Cuando imaginamos un sistema de suspensión por el revestimiento de silicona, vemos dos tipos diferentes de fijación La lanzadera y el vacío. En cuanto a la primera, consiste en una guía que se inserta dentro de un tornillo donde se bloquea y evita que el forro salga del enchufe rígido. Esto hace que el muñón tenga una suspensión segura.
23) Cubiertas: La elección del acabado cosmético variará dependiendo de la persona y/ o tipo de prótesis utilizadas. Sin embargo, como norma general, se deben elegir cubiertas duraderas y resistentes para la población más activa. Es probable que las cubiertas de alta cosmética y frágil se deterioran. En muchos casos, se evitan las mangas cosméticas que se asemejan a una extremidad sana. Los niños y adolescentes usualmente usan una prótesis mecánica-que mira sin una vaina o una prótesis con algún diseño.

24) Socket: El enchufe ortopédico, también conocido como encaje, es el componente de la prótesis ortopédica donde sus usuarios se deslizan y ajustan su extremidad residual, de modo que se conecta segura y cómodamente al resto de la prótesis ortopédica. El socket es un componente completamente realizado sobre mediciones. En Prótesis sabemos que el socket es el componente más importante de una prótesis ortopédica, su ajuste correcto dependerá de cómo el usuario "siente" su prótesis.

25) Consistencia lógica: La teoría debe ser lógicamente consistente, es decir, las proposiciones que la integran deben estar interrelacionadas, es decir, no pueden contener proposiciones sobre fenómenos que no están relacionados entre sí, ser mutuamente excluyentes, es decir, sin repetición o duplicación, o caer en contradicciones o inconsistencias internas.

26) Perspective: This part refers to the level of generality, that is, it has more perspectives as more phenomena explain and more applications support. Ferman and Levin claim that the researcher who uses an abstract theory gets more results and can explain a greater number of phenomena.

27) Fruiting: Theory has the capacity to generate new questions and discoveries. The theories that originate, to a greater extent, the search for new knowledge are those that allow a science to advance.
28) Parsimony: Theory has the quality of being simple, simple. There is no doubt that theories that can explain one or several phenomena in a few propositions without omitting any aspect are more useful than those that need a large number of propositions for it.
29) Mechanical knees. Simple movements, a wide angle of bending and a high level of stability support children’s daily lives. Walking for the first time with a prosthesis means building confidence step by step

30) pneumatic knee: The pneumatic knee joint facilitates daily activities. ... The joint also offers maximum safety in the support phase. As soon as the prosthesis carries the weight of your body and your foot is on the ground, it is almost impossible for an involuntary bending to occur.

31) Polycentric knee versus single axis knee: basically a simple hinge, is usually considered "the master piece" of the basic knees, due to its relative simplicity, which makes it the most economical, durable and lightweight available option. It is therefore more often used in children’s prosthetics, especially since prosthetics become small almost as quickly as clothing because children grow up. It is also suitable for those living in remote areas or with limited access to prosthetic care.

32) Knees with aboutknees05Knees with microprocessors or computerized, are relatively new in prosthetic technology. An integrated sensor detects movement and rhythm, and adjusts the control cylinder accordingly. Real time information collected by the microprocessor determines what setting to use. The knee with microprocessor control reduces the effort that the amputees have to make to control the rhythm, which results in a more natural way of walking.

33) Prosthesis of leg: From the old wooden leg that the pirates immortalized to the current articulated devices, the prosthetics of leg have evolved what is said a -barbarity. There are different systems that supplement the amputated leg.

34)Lace systems with vacuum suction or negative pressure, such as the Harmony system, Aerolink for amputees below the knee and the ProSeal system for amputees above the knee.(recovered in 1.4)
35) execution-direction of teamwork: as such this aspect refers to the way in which one works as a team to achieve the execution of the product therefore in a team the distribution of work must be equitable.

36) control - implementation of decisions: there this aspect places us in the control with which is carried out the supervision and direction of how we realize the prosthetic taking thus little by little a series of decisions that places us in what we are failing for the realization

37) Preparation-order: this consists in reviewing both theoretical and practical aspects in the production of the prosthesis while having and executing a series of commands to achieve the product with quality.
38) cybernetics: Cybernetics is the interdisciplinary study of the structure of regulatory systems. In other words, it is science that studies the energy flows closely linked to the theory of control and the theory of systems.

39) microprocessors: The microprocessor is the most complex integrated central circuit of a computer system; as an illustration, it is usually called by analogy the "brain" of a computer.

40) knee bending: knee bending in the middle support At heel contact, the knee is extended, then there is a bending of about 15°and finally an extension of 0 to 10°approx.

41) Ghost Member Syndrome is the perception of sensations that an amputated limb is still connected to the body and is functioning with the rest of the body; such sensation may appear immediately or many years after amputation.

42) Stretching the tendon of the poplite area: This stretch tries to bring your healthy limb to you and last 20 seconds, are stretching with your healthy limb

43) Stretching of the hip flexor: with this stretch to the passage of the days your amputated limb improves its flexibility and arrives easily to the bed.

44) Alternative stretching: With this stretching step of the days you stretch the flexor muscle of the hip you can increase the thickness of the amputated limb.

45) Hip flex: this term refers to the natural position of the wristband, whether you are sitting for a long time without the prosthesis on.

46) Zoona poplitea: refers to the area or territory by Detras of the knee, we must have special attention in this area, especially in the tibial amputations.

47) tibial amputation: it is one of the most frequently performed major amputations. According to statistics, approximately half of the major amputations of the lower limb are tibial and, in recent decades, the importance of this level of amputation in surgical education and training has been highlighted, prosthetic and in rehabilitation. Therefore, many people with tibial amputations successfully complete their rehabilitation.

48) The SACH foot does not carry much load in the finger area. This lack of toe support creates a "drop-off" experience. The SACH foot is made of a wooden keel covered with polyurethane foam. This foot is characterized by being rigid in the wood region (middle of the foot), and by being quite flexible in the foam (finger area).

49) Foot with fingers, made of polyurethane foam. Possibility of incorporating joint with two rods in aluminium

50) Carbon foot with support module is designed for patients with transemoral or tibial amputation, unilateral or bilateral, hip amputation and knee dislocation. Foot with medium and high energy efficiency, suitable for patients from 50 to 125 kg.

51) Electrical Artiiculations: Lumbar pain (lumbalgia or lumbago) is very common, and increases in frequency as people age, affecting more than half of those over 60 years of age. It is one of the most frequent reasons for medical consultation. Economically, it entails considerable expenditure on health systems and a significant loss of working days. However, the number of traumatic occupational spinal injuries is decreasing, perhaps because there is greater awareness of the problem and preventive measures have improved.

52) pseudoartrosis: A pseudoartrosis is a bone fracture that has no chance of healing without intervention. In a pseudoartrosis the organism perceives bone fragments as separate bones and does not attempt to fuse them.

53) Aluminium is a chemical element, symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a nonferromagnetic metal. It is the third most common element found in the earth’s crust

54) Pilon: It is a kind of round trunk made of the best savannah trees that have greater resistance, speaking of long duration. Very important tool for the day to day feeding in the fields of all Venezuela.

55) pelite: A Pelita or metapelita is a sedimentary rock of fine grain metamorphosed, that is, clay stone or slime.

56) Neoprene: Neoprene or polychloroprene is a family of synthetic rubbers that are produced by polymerization of chloroprene. Neoprene has good chemical stability and maintains flexibility over a wide range of temperatures. The neoprene name is the trademark of chloroprene polymer.

57) Urethane: also known as amidesters, are a class of compounds that have in common the carbamidate group R–NH–C–O–R' and are therefore formally derived from carbamic acid. They easily form in the reaction of the corresponding isocyanate with R'OH alcohol.

58) Suspension roller: Made with a superelastic gel that allows total freedom of movement. It can be used with or without protective tissue, which is supplied separately. It is only supplied in the thickness of 6 mm. To choose the right size, the perimeter should be measured above 10 cm from the patella centre.

59) MECHANICAL PROTESIS: Devices that are used with the voluntary opening or closing function by means of a harness which is attached around the shoulders, part of the chest and part of the arm controlled by the user.

60) ELECTRIC PROTESTS: They use electric motors in the terminal device, wrist or elbow with a rechargeable battery.

61) NEUMATIC PROTESTS (unused): These prostheses were powered by compressed carbonic acid, which provided a lot of energy.

62) MIOELECTRICAL PROSTHESIS: prosthetics developed with the combination of electronics and mechanics with the ability to be muscle controlled.(1.6)

63) CAD: best known for its English initials CAD (computer-Aided design), is when different graphic programmers are used to create a series of images that together create a larger image (so to speak) or better known as drawing. CAD is also used as a means of expression through a computer and a graphical manager; in turn, it can be said that it is also considered as a relatively new revolutionary drawing technique, with which drawings and, or plans can be made.

64) Effort: refers to the physical force, the rate of change of the amount of movement, employed against a resistance.

65) Link: Rigid connection between two or more elements of different kinematic pairs

66) Mechanism: A set of parts or elements that are adjusted to each other and using mechanical energy do a job or perform a function.

67) Fast prototyping: Also known as 3D printing, is an additive manufacturing technology. The process begins by taking a virtual design of a modeling or computer assisted design (CAD) software.

68) Solidworks: CAD software for 2D and 3D mechanical modeling, currently developed by SolidWorks Corp. The program allows to model parts and sets and extract from them both technical plans and other information necessary for production.

69) Keel: Foot prosthesis device with energy storage that functions as a cantilever product, which bends the foot up when a weight is applied on the fingers.

70) Gangrene: Gangrene is the death of the tissues in your body. It occurs when the blood supply does not reach a part of your body. Gangrene can occur on the surface of the body, such as the skin or inside the body, such as muscles or organs.

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